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DataKom Telecom Experts – Business core values & training
Posted on 16th July 2019 under News.
The DataKom team have attended a training session to correctly communicate the company’s five core values:
- Communicate
We believe in responsive and timely communication, ensuring information is clarified and confirmed.
- Transparency
Our ethos is to always be open & honest, whilst ensuring clarity and simplicity throughout all our services.
- Courteous
Treat people as they wish to be treated. Always use good manners, show friendliness and concern for others.
- Empowerment
Always operating above the line – taking ownership, accountability and responsibility.
- Unify
Our team, clients and suppliers working together as one – always providing the true innovative solution.

Core values are what support the company vision, shape the culture and reflect a company’s principles.
Managing Director, Jay Ball delivered the first section, discussing the new values and attendees were asked to give an example of situations where these values were used.
The training also included an interactive customer service workshop delivered by Operations Manager, Jenny Scourfield. The team were asked to give examples of good and bad customer service and actions to go the extra mile for customers.
Jenny Scourfield embraces the training:
“We want the DataKom team to understand and be clear on our values. Establishing strong core values provides both internal and external advantages to the company. They communicate what’s important, influence behaviour and contribute to the overall success of the company.”
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