Guest WiFi is a provided service by a business that offers their customers, free or…
What is Guest WiFi for your business?
Posted on 7th November 2019 under Blog.
Utilising Guest WiFi for your business is an incredible marketing tool that allows you to implement compliant WiFi to any business, café or facility which allows visitors, customers or guests to gain access to a WiFi connection.
You have the choice to offer a free or paid WiFi connection, with complete wireless accessibility, built for multi-users meaning all guests will be able to access the internet when visiting your premises.
Over half of businesses report that customers spend more time at their facility when a Wi-Fi connection is provided!

The benefits of having Guest WiFi at your business
Suppling your customers with a guest Wi-Fi service can have multiple advantages to your business, such as:
- Free WiFi can encourage people to stay longer at your business, or even return back and become a regular customer.
- The marketing data you collect from people who login to your guest WiFi can be stored and used for future marketing campaigns to entice customers to return. Your own customised WiFi can add value to the business or brand, meaning knowing more about your customers will allow you to target offers to customers to aid retention allowing you to sell more!
- By offering easy social media check-in on your network, your customers can promote the business for you by posting pictures, videos, or status updates – so you get free publicity!
How do customers access the Guest WiFi
For customers who wish to access the guest WiFi, they would simply need to follow the below steps: –
On their device, go to their WiFi setting, where they will see the WiFi networks displayed – from there all they would need to do is simply click on your network to connect. (If using Kloud Wifi – Just choose “Kloud WiFi”)

Then they will be presented a branded landing page tailored to your business where they will have to enter their details such as, name and email address. (This data is then stored and can be used for future marketing campaigns)
Now they are live on your guest WiFi – free to browse the web.
Businesses ideal for Guest WiFi
- Bars
- Restaurants
- Cafes
- Leisure centres
- Offices
- Student accommodation
- Retail / shopping centres
- Hotels
- Outdoor venues
How do I get Guest WiFi for my business?
DataKom provide guest WiFi for businesses across the UK, large or small. To make sure your business flourishes with the help of this powerful marketing tool, make sure you contact DataKom today on 01656 33 44 55 or email
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