How does a cloud-based phone system work?

Posted on 2nd December 2019 under Blog.

A cloud based phone system runs through an internet connection, rather than on a traditional telephone lines such as ISDN. This is why cloud-based phone systems are also known as internet-based phone systems or Voice over IP (VoIP).

Cloud telephone systems allow users to work and make calls anywhere that supplies a working internet connection – making the user more flexible.

Setting up a VoIP telephone is as simple as plugging in your laptop, or using a softphone on your smartphone to make phone calls from your cloud phone system. This means you can work from home, on the go, or as a full-time remote employee.

Once your cloud handset is plugged in your ready to go – making low cost calls using the internet!

How does a cloud-based phone system work?

Cloud-based phone systems ideal for business use

VoIP allows you to make phone calls anytime, anywhere using an internet-connection – VoIP technology converts your voice into a digital signal, allowing you to make direct calls from a computer, handset or conference device.

A VoIP telephone, is perfect for any working environment to assist in business performance and improving customer service. As mentioned, your cloud phone system allows users to become more flexible – allowing your work force to continue their daily tasks freely without the worry of missing a call.

What would a phone be if it couldn’t call? Cloud-based telephones work just like traditional telephones, where you use the number keys to dial out as well as receive incoming calls.

Most IP telephones look very similar to most office handsets – with a handpiece, dial buttons, speakers, however cloud telephones have a bundle of build in features to benefit the user.


Low usage costs

Using a cloud-based telephone system which runs on VoIP, the cost for local / national and mobile calls are even usually free! As the system runs completely on an internet connect. So as long as your business has an internet connect your phone lines can operate smoothly and efficiently.



Implementing a cloud-based telephone system into your business allows you to take advantages of features that other older telephones could not offer.

Features such as call recording, voicemail to email, CRM integration, mobile twinning, iCall Suite and so much more. These features are designed to help boost businesses and user performance at work – making sure customer service stays a priority whilst still encouraging sales.


Internal & external calls

Our cloud telephone system allows users to not just make external calls from the business – but also allows users to call other members of the team within the businesses at the press of a button.



If you would like to book a free demonstration of one of our cloud-based telephone systems contact us on 01656 33 44 55 or email our sales team –