Staying connected through Covid-19

Posted on 24th March 2020 under Blog.

With the huge impact of the COVID-19 outbreak across the world, sadly effecting businesses and peoples personal lives it has now resulted in a UK lockdown – meaning businesses either have a to close or work remotely from home, minimising contact and reducing the global spread.

We would like to relieve you of any questions you may have, and how COVID-19 will not distance us from our customers.

We are working remotely

Our number one priority is the health and wellbeing of our team and customers. Going forward in preparation to reduce illness and continue business we have issued all staff to work remotely from their home office.

Staying connected with our customers is vital – during this period we want to ensure each and everyone will still be receiving the up most efficiency and customer care during this unusual time.

Like many others across the UK we have been told we have to minimise our physical contact and keep a social distance from one another, resulting in our new remote working – where all of our staff are now working from home with their cloud-based handset acting as their office telephone.

Remote working

To all businesses who are preceding to work as normal, we want to ensure you all calls will remain as they usually would.

By contacting us on 01656 33 44 55 your call will still be routed to the relevant department and dealt with by a member of our team.

If you have any other questions or concerns during this time period please contact our support team –