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4 Investments to help grow your business
Posted on 1st April 2021 under Blog.
Making subtle investments can be a game-changer when trying to grow and develop a business. Most people’s mentality might be to think, ‘if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it’, but what about investing your time into areas that will advance and assist with business growth?
Below are 4 useful tips to help take your business to the next level:
Get your business, a website
It may seem standard for most modern businesses to have a website or some form of an online presence. However, some smaller businesses haven’t yet taken the plunge into the world of digital growth.
Investing in a website can extend your businesses working hours to 24 hours a day 7 days a week. As customers are now able to view your businesses services or products any time of day. Meaning when your office is closed, or when you are away, your business can still advertise itself to people seeking what you are selling.
Ensuring your website is also mobile-phone friendly will help widen your viewing visibility, as most people today are web searching using their mobile devices. Your mobile-friendly website can be used to benefit your business by adding buttons which when clicked can directly dial your business from the website.
Marketing strategy
Now you have a modern and user-friendly website, you can begin to invest in a marketing strategy that can benefit your business and your website. Getting your website and its services are seen by the correct audience is such a powerful strategy in growing your business and meeting new customers.
Using organic or paid digital marketing strategies to get your website seen can increase the number of new customers and sales your business receives, resulting in business growth.
Using landing pages to target a specific demographic you can display your products or services to people who are seeking them. On each landing page, you can personalise to attract customers to contact/call using engaging call to actions.
Looking after your staff and customers
Some businesses may lure customers into false promises that they will be looked after, but once they hand over their money, they hear nothing from the businesses again…
It might seem an obvious tip, but looking after the people who take time and spend their money with you will guarantee happy customers and potential long time spending habits.
The same goes for staff members who work within your organisation, if you and the business look after its staff your business will naturally flourish.

Telephone Communications
A good telephone system is essential in communicating effectively with your long term customers and prospects. Depending on what telephone solution your business has installed, it may be inefficient and costing you more than it needs to – holding you back with the extra expense. Taking time to research and investing in a new telephony system that can boost communication efficiency as well as save your business money on its telephone calls can really help with business development.
Businesses now expect more from their business communications than just making a call. They want something that instantly improves their business. KloudPBX is just one of the solutions we offer that can do this. Between the free calling and feature heavy interface, your business will be accelerated – allowing your staff to work more productively and customers to have an improved user-friendly experience when they contact you.
To find out more about our business communications contact DataKom on 01656 33 44 55 or email sales@datakom.co.uk.
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