Latest News

Free on-hold audio! 30th March 2020

We are pleased to announce with the help from our partners at Fresh Air Studios we can now offer you the opportunity to download our FREE audio file for your on-hold and auto attendant requirements during the coronavirus outbreak. These file are free for everyone to use, whether you are a customer of DataKom or […]

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Remote working

Staying connected through Covid-19 24th March 2020

With the huge impact of the COVID-19 outbreak across the world, sadly effecting businesses and peoples personal lives it has now resulted in a UK lockdown – meaning businesses either have a to close or work remotely from home, minimising contact and reducing the global spread. We would like to relieve you of any questions […]

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Why and how to future proof your telephony

Why and how to future-proof your telephony today 16th March 2020

Businesses large and small need to modernise their communications systems to stay ahead of the coming changes. What many businesses don’t actually realise is how many benefits this modernisation carries, particularly if they migrate to a cloud telephony system. Cloud telephony is a revelation for business communications in so many ways, and some newer systems […]

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Overcome Your Fear of the Cloud

Overcome your fear of the cloud (VoIP) 9th March 2020

Switching to a cloud-based solution comes with lots of advantages. VoIP telephony is one of the most modern telephony technologies that allows you to make your phone calls over the Internet or Local Area Networks. Most business owners tend avoid this phone system due to perceived risks and other fears.  Let’s see some of the […]

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The advantages of using an auto attendant

The advantages of using an auto attendant 2nd March 2020

The auto attendant, is the recording you hear when you are on hold after you have dialled a business. It provides the caller with either music or navigational information to assist the caller to speak with a relevant person within the business. Businesses who use these voice overs are a head of the game when […]

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DataKom awarded Cloud Reseller of the year 2020

DataKom awarded Cloud Reseller of the year 2020 28th February 2020

2019 was an outstanding year for us at DataKom with many highlights that made the year stand out – from winning Best Partner of the Year award to merging with Pinnacle Telecom. Only two months into 2020 and we have been awarded Cloud Reseller of the year 2020 for the second year at the Ericsson […]

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DataKom telecom experts

DataKom create 2 extra roles in the Bridgend office 25th February 2020

Back in December as many of you may know, DataKom merged with rival telecoms provider Pinnacle, meaning we have now hugely expanded our staff, customers and work flow – meaning new opportunities have presented themselves at our offices in Bridgend. Customer relations We have successfully recruited a brand-new member to join our existing Customer Relations […]

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DataKom Law Firm

How can you migrate your law firm to the cloud 24th February 2020

Transiting to a cloud-based phone system is a step all businesses will need to consider in the near future. The telecom industry is moving to a world of all internet-based voice communications after BT announced they will be switching off the PSTN and ISDN network by 2025. This means an internet-based network will be in […]

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Are your telephone calls recorded

Are your telephone calls recorded? 18th February 2020

Most businesses have some sort of call recording or call analytics to identify how their calls are being reported and dealt with. Having call recording implemented into your business can be hugely beneficial to all who wish to use the telephone – call recording comes with a handful of advantages which your business can undertake […]

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Who are the best VoIP providers in Wales

Who are the best VoIP providers in Wales? 13th February 2020

After the recent merge of DataKom and Pinnacle Telecom, the two businesses now stand as giants in the Welsh telecom industry – both retaining their existing clients and seeking further development. DataKom are a leading Welsh telecommunications provider suppling businesses across the UK with the ideal business grade VoIP solution for their telephony needs. We’re […]

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